Welcome to Knowledge Base

Before enrolling as a user in the AMEX Enabled program, your company must first be registered. If your company has not yet registered, please ask the relevant contact at your company to click the ‘Company Registration’ link from the AMEX Enabled homepage (www.amexenabled.com). Note: this contact must be authorized to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement and AMEX Enabled Terms and Conditions on behalf of the company. Once your company has registered, any user within the company can enroll, provided they have a valid email address from that company.

If you already have access to Knowledge Base, please log in directly to Knowledge Base with your existing user id and password, locate the "Request Additional Services" button on the right side of the home page, and click it to add ‘AMEX Enabled’ as a service.

Knowledge Base

Knowledge Base is your single source for GNS information including operations, marketing and partner relations and is the gateway to all GNS Services such as FraudNet, OpsNet, File Tracker and Token Requester Management Portal. To request access to Knowledge Base, you are required to complete the enrollment process.

Please complete the enrollment steps through the confirmation page. All requests for access will be processed within 3 business days by GNS User Services.

To begin the enrollment process click the "Continue" button below.